Day: June 28, 2017

BABY DRIVER film review – by Mark Glass

Don’t judge this slam-bang action flick by its title. “Baby” (Ansel Elgort) is a kid who looks like he’s barely legal behind the wheel, but handles getaway cars like The Transporter series’ Jason Statham’s adolescent clone. The opening chase scene rivals anything Statham or Vin Diesel’s Fast & Furious franchise has served up to their…

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BABY DRIVER film review – by Cate Marquis

Writer/director Edgar Wright (SHAUN OF THE DEAD) delivers the kind of summer movie you hope for – action-packed, light, with a bit of humor – in BABY DRIVER. Car chases and a non-stop jukebox music soundtrack help drive this highly entertaining flick, which shares its title with a Simon and Garfunkel song. This delightful summer…

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