– By Cate Marquis –
RBG is a delightful, inspiring documentary on Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Notorious RBG, giving us the backstory of the 84-year-old Supreme Court justice who has become a pop culture icon. Long before she became known as the Notorious RBG, Ginsberg was a brilliant legal mind who was a courtroom ground-breaker in the battle for women’s rights.
This documentary gives us the low-down on this brilliant but reserved attorney who is having an unlikely turn as a cultural darling.
The documentary RBG starts out with clips of politically-conservative male pundits and politicians reviling Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg as if she were the devil incarnate. For these right-leaning white men, she may well be just that, or at least their worst nightmare, a characterization the small but mighty RBG might embrace, or maybe even relish.
We are introduced to a host of friends, family and colleagues of RBG, as the documentary gives us inspiring recap of her life of hard work and determination. The documentary also recaps the wide-spread discrimination women faced in the work place, and throughout society, in the 1950s.