– By Cate Marquis –
SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU is sweet, romantic tale of Obamas’ first date
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU is about the day-long first date of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The story takes place in Chicago in 1989, when she was a junior lawyer in a respected law firm and he was a summer intern from Harvard. It is a sweet, romantic little film with a touch of biography mixed in.
This is a modest little low-budget film but one with an endearing heart. Still, there is something a bit odd about seeing this kind of film about a sitting president. It is the kind of film one is more likely to see about a president long gone, much less still in office. For that reason, there will be people who want to see it as political. It isn’t really, beyond reflecting the Obamas’ own values and basically the fact that Barack Obama is our first black president.
Obviously, this is not a film for anyone who dislikes President Obama. Yet with President Obama’s popularity running high in his last year in office, it seems safe to say that there will be an audience for this sentimental, gentle, thoughtful film.