**** (out of 5) stars – (R)
– By Mark Glass –
The first film about this Marvel Comics superhero (of sorts) is one of my all-time favorite action comedies. Ryan Reynolds – not known for acting as much as hunkiness – found the perfect role, allowing him to be physical, hilarious, and self-satirical, wrapped in a script that perfectly combined over-the-top spoofing with exactly what they were showing. Multiple viewings continued to turn up more gags and throwaway lines missed due to audience laughter in the theater.
That caused anxiety about the sequel. How could it live up to its terrific progenitor? Another offbeat fave in a similar vein, Machete, failed to generate a worthy second round. So as this one unfolded, I felt relief along with delight at how close it was coming to the first in all respects. There’s a major surprise or two in the plot; titles and credits that must be watched for more nuggets; enough CG mayhem and characters for genre fans; and laughs aplenty, even for those of us who don’t get all the inside jokes that Comic Con denizens will relish.
Many of the main characters return, and others are added, most notably Josh Brolin as a new archenemy, Cable, only weeks after his global sensation as Thanos in the latest Avengers opus. The man is becoming a franchise double threat, since more appearances in both roles are as inevitable as death and taxes, but less to be dreaded than either. Even the trailers and posters for this movie mock its place in the universe with gusto.
It’s not vital for your pleasure to have seen the first, but it will certainly increase in your level of enjoyment from the dialog and story. Ramping it up to an R from the usual PG-13 for such fare allows more freedom in the punch lines, while acknowledging that Deadpool is more of an icon for adolescents and adults whose tastes haven’t matured in proportion to their chronology – like this reviewer. I’m already looking forward to seeing it again without so much guffawing from those around me, to tide me over until Deadpool 3. Or the next Sharknado flick.
© Mark Glass
Reprinted with permission of author. Link to review at Clayton/Richmond Heights Patch: