– By Cate Marquis – MISS SHARON JONES has it all Rating: 5 out of 5 stars You may not have heard of soul singer Sharon Jones but you may have heard her catchy, bluesy tune “100 Days, 100 Nights” this past summer. The tune was used on a TV commercial and if your…
– By Cate Marquis – Oliver Stone’s SNOWDEN skims surface of controversy Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars Depending on your point-of-view, Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor. When whistle-blower Snowden leaked documents to the public, through the Guardian newspaper, that exposed the United States government’s massive surveillance and data collection…
– By Cate Marquis- Fine cast and focus on comedy lifts Krasinski’s THE HOLLARS John Krasinski stars in and directs a first-rate cast in the family comedy THE HOLLARS. The film’s premise is familiar stuff, a man forced by a circumstances to return to his home town to deal with his goofy family, but…
– By Cate Marquis – Rachel Weisz and Michael Shannon explore the risks and rewards of shifting identities in COMPLETE UNKNOWN A woman (Rachel Weisz) who keeps re-inventing herself – as an ER nurse, a free-spirit in Seattle, a magician’s assistant in China – turns up at a birthday party with Clyde (Michael Chernus)…
Happy Labor Day! Labor Day celebrates working people and the labor unions that brought working people the 40-hour work week, the 8-hour day, overtime pay, work-place safety, paid holidays and vacations, and a host of other protections and benefits. To honor those hard-working people and organized labor, here is a list (in no particular order)…
– By Cate Marquis – MORGAN promises high-tech thrills but delivers only old-fashioned cheesy horror In the sci-fi thriller MORGAN, Kate Mara plays a corporate troubleshooter, Lee Weathers, who is sent to investigate what is going on at a research facility working on an bio-engineering project after a terrible accident. The project, which centers…
– By Cate Marquis – THE 9TH LIFE OF LOUIS DRAX strives for mystery but is just a confusing mess The fantasy drama THE 9TH LIFE OF LOUIS DRAX is a mystery about an accident-prone young boy, Louis Drax (Aiden Longworth) who has survived a series of near-fatal accidents, eight of them. The last…
– By Mark Glass – Tepid drama about Wall Street machinations offers gender novelty, but little else 2 out of 5 stars (R) Most of us think that Wall Street, especially at the highest levels, is populated mainly by overly-privileged jerks…or worse; or MUCH worse. That sentiment grew exponentially after the financial disaster they…
– By Cate Marquis – SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU is sweet, romantic tale of Obamas’ first date Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU is about the day-long first date of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The story takes place in Chicago in 1989, when she was a junior…
– By Cate Marquis – EQUITY is ambitious film about women on Wall Street but not fully successful entertainment Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars EQUITY is a film about Wall Street but not the usual kind. For one thing, it is about women working on Wall Street. The film is also not…
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