– Film Review by Mark Glass – In Gothic ghost-laced ‘Crimson Peak,’ some truly wonderful sets wind up housing a relatively tedious, then almost ludicrous, ordeal for Victorian damsel in distress 2 out of 5 stars If you think Guillermo del Toro is a genius behind the camera, you may prefer someone else’s review. In…
– Film Review by Cate Marquis – “Crimson Peak” serves up gorgeous, bloody Gothic mess Director Guillermo del Toro says his new film “Crimson Peak” aims to be a Gothic romance in the style of 1940s genre classics “Dragonwyck” and “Jane Eyre.” The big-budget production is filled with lush Victorian costumes and eerie Gothic mansions,…
– Film Review by Mark Glass – Stars: 4 out of 5 I remember loving the hip, edgy and usually racy contents of this magazine in the 1970s, but never knew, or forgot, much about it once TV and the internet provided ample fodder for its then-groundbreaking satire and silliness. This documentary reminded me of…
– Film Review by Cate Marquis – “He Named Me Malala” spotlights Nobel prize-winning teen advocate of girls’ education Stars: 4 out of 5 As a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai was targeted for assassination by the Taliban, simply for speaking out in support of girls’ education. Malala not only survived being shot…
– Film Review by Cate Marquis – “99 Homes” is riveting drama about 2008 real estate collapse Stars: 4 out of 5 “99 Homes” is a raw, truth-telling, moving drama set in the home foreclosure melt-down of the 2008 Great Recession. Rather than focusing on Wall Street and politics, “99 Homes” tells its story in…
– Film Review by Mark Glass – Fabulous visuals wasted on ill-conceived prequel on Peter Pan’s arrival in Neverland Stars: 2 out of 5 For anyone who finds these comments unduly harsh, please note that I’m not the one who set the tone. When the producers decided to call this thing PAN, just what sort…
“Ashby” tells quirky tale of high schooler and assassin – FILM REVIEW – By Cate Marquis – “Ashby” is coming-of-age comedy about teenaged boy who befriends a neighbor who turns out to be a retired CIA assassin. Mickey Rourke plays the CIA operative Ashby Holt, a widower who also lost his only child and lives…
Johnny Depp gives flawless performance as Whitey Bulger in “Black Mass” but film has its flaws – FILM REVIEW- By Cate Marquis – Johnny Depp delivers a chilling, powerful performance as James “Whitey” Bulger, in the true-story crime thriller “Black Mass.” While Depp is flawless, the film is not. The story of Bulger’s rise to…
True story “Pawn Sacrifice” is Cold War thriller as chess game – FILM REVIEW – By Cate Marquis – Tobey Maguire turns in a riveting, Oscar-worthy performance as eccentric chess genius Bobby Fischer in the Cold War thriller “Pawn Sacrifice.” The film traces Fischer’s emergence as chess prodigy from his troubled childhood, his game-changing innovations…
“The Visit” may be contender for weirdest, worst film of year – FILM REVIEW – By Cate Marquis – Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan’s latest, “The Visit” may top the list for the weirdest film this year, and possibly the worst as well. While it seems to be going for scary, the audience laughed through most…
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