Day: November 16, 2018

INSTANT FAMILY – film review by Mark Glass

– By Mark Glass – RATING: 3½ out of 5 stars (PG-13) First of all, ignore the trailers you may have seen on TV or the internet. There is more drama and less comedy in this mix that those selected snippets might portend. That makes this a more unique and superior slice of family entertainment….

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BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS – film review by Cate Marquis

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars Joel and Ethan Coen spin not one but six Western tales in their excellent anthology THE BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS. Starring a fine cast including James Franco, Liam Neeson, Tom Waits, Zoe Kazan, Brendan Gleeson, Tim Blake Nelson and others, the film’s title is actually the name of the…

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